Some Classical Ways to Boost Fertility, Shared by a Fertility Clinic

It’s been said that a woman’s greatest masterpiece are her children. But, while some have no problem getting pregnant, millions of women are struggling to conceive even one child. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 10.9% of women between 15-44 have impaired fecundity or decreased ability to get pregnant.

However, even simple lifestyle changes can greatly bolster your fertility. Check out these tips from a leading San Diego fertility clinic.

Drink Whole Milk

Losing weight can help boost your chances of pregnancy, but one of the foods you shouldn’t drop from your diet is whole milk. Non-fat milk must be spun at high speeds to separate the fat. Unfortunately, fertility-enhancing hormones like estrogen and progesterone tend to bond to fat, so they, too, get thrown out of the milk in the process. So, if you want to jumpstart your fertility, disregard the extra calories in whole milk. They’ll be well worth it in the long run.

Alternative Treatments to Improve Fertility

If you need help getting pregnant, you’ll be glad to know that there are numerous alternative treatments to help you conceive. Most of these treatments will not only help you conceive but will also improve your overall physical, emotional, and psychological health. Some of these therapies are also known for relieving the body of stress, resulting in regulated hormone production. Continue reading

Five Signs You Are Ovulating: Facts from Fertility Clinic Experts

You may have often heard from fertility experts that your chances of getting pregnant increase when you have sex during your ovulation period. In fact, it is often called the “window” of conception.

Ovulation is when a mature egg cell is released from the ovary, getting it ready for a sperm cell to fertilize it. Failure of fertilization leads to your monthly excretion of menstrual blood.

While there are ovulation signs that happen inside a woman’s body, some women may not experience them. They can also vary from woman to woman. If you have visited a fertility center in San Diego before, fertility experts may even have told you that the most reliable step to knowing your ovulation period is paying attention to your menstrual cycle. However, some may have the time to keep track, or have an irregular menstrual cycle that may prove this method to be difficult.

Hopeful Future Parents Can Plan With Fertility Clinic Assistance

Trying to get pregnant is always an exciting time, but many times this excitement starts to fade when initial expectations don’t match the results. Parents try everything they can from strict timing to radical nutritional and lifestyle changes, but no luck. However, with a little professional help from a fertility clinic in San Diego, however, fertility can be more achievable.

The worst thing that people who have an exceptionally difficult time conceiving can do, is get bogged down with negative feelings and stigmas regarding their situation. Professionally applied fertility sciences are a great way to relieve all feelings of inadequacy, and maintain a mutually-agreed timeline for starting a family.

The Numbers Behind It

According to the Centers For Disease Control, nearly 1.6% of all babies born in the US were the results of ART (Assistant Reproductive Technology) treatments by fertility clinics.

Tips to Get Pregnant Faster from Your Fertility Specialist

Many couples excitedly look forward to parenthood only to encounter difficulties conceiving. Fortunately, modern science and technology now offer assistance to couples struggling with fertility. They can seek the advice of a fertility specialist in San Diego, who can give them helpful tips to improve their chances of getting pregnant.

Here are some basic tips that these specialists usually give so you can improve your chances of getting pregnant faster the natural way:

Maintain a Healthy Weight

It can be annoying and sometimes offensive to have people tell women to watch their weight. However, when it comes to efforts at conceiving a child, this is a crucial matter that should be addressed. This is because weight does have a direct impact on a woman’s fertility.

Two Natural Ways to Treat Infertility

In America, more than 1.5 million married women suffer from infertility, according to the Center for disease control. For most of these women, the reasons for this are unclear and often a consequence of multiple, confounding factors. Because so many different things can add up to contribute to infertility, often traditional medicine is not effective are solving this problem. That is why more and more women are turning to natural treatments for infertility and other reproductive health conditions. Among these treatments are fertility acupuncture and natural supplements. A combination of the two may be just what you need to help treat your infertility issues. Continue reading

San Diego Fertility Clinic: 3 Things To Avoid When Getting Pregnant

While getting pregnant seems so easy for other people, there are those that may be finding it much more challenging. If you and your partner have been trying to get pregnant for a while, but to no avail, then you may have to start looking into some aspects of your life. There are things to do to boost your fertility such as getting supplements and eating the right food. However, there are also things to avoid as they might be the reasons why you’re having a hard time conceiving.

Here are three things to avoid when trying to get pregnant.


Physical, mental, and emotional stress can be a huge reason why you’re not getting pregnant. Regardless of the kind of stress, you have to learn to relax for your body to be more conducive to pregnancy.

Women’s Health: Ways to Naturally Boost Fertility

When it comes to fertility, even the most minor stressors can throw your body out of whack. These simple and natural health habits can help protect a woman’s fertility. Whether or not you are trying to conceive, protecting your fertility is needed in the long run and for overall health.

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The Importance of Working with a Fertility Treatment Company

There are millions of people around the United States who are struggling with infertility. Over the long term, this can be a difficult burden to deal with by yourself. The good news is that there are a variety of clinics in the San Diego area that can help you with this issue.

There are also a lot of lifestyle factors that can be changed in order to help improve your level of fertility. Anyone who is wanting to make an investment in this area needs to make sure they choose a clinic that has a track record of success, and that the clinic matches their personal goals/objectives. Here are several things that anyone can do to help increase their fertility.