San Diego Fertility Clinic: 3 Things To Avoid When Getting Pregnant

While getting pregnant seems so easy for other people, there are those that may be finding it much more challenging. If you and your partner have been trying to get pregnant for a while, but to no avail, then you may have to start looking into some aspects of your life. There are things to do to boost your fertility such as getting supplements and eating the right food. However, there are also things to avoid as they might be the reasons why you’re having a hard time conceiving.

Here are three things to avoid when trying to get pregnant.


Physical, mental, and emotional stress can be a huge reason why you’re not getting pregnant. Regardless of the kind of stress, you have to learn to relax for your body to be more conducive to pregnancy.

Wellness Center in San Diego: A Healthy Lifestyle for IVF Support

The natural way of conception is achieved through the process of fertilization, wherein the egg and sperm meet to become an embryo, which then grows into a fetus, until the baby is born 9 months later. Unfortunately, not all couples are given this remarkable opportunity.

Infertility may happen to either one or both couples for various reasons. For the males, this may be caused by blockage or decreased sperm count. Meanwhile, having blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, either due to prior surgery or suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease, is a common source for the inability to conceive a child among women. Some cases also involve endometriosis and other unexplained causes.

With modern medicine, infertility may now be treated through assisted reproductive technology (ART), wherein medical techniques are used to help the woman conceive.

Our San Diego Wellness Center Talks About Fertility in New Podcast

I love talking about Fertility and how functional medicine and other solutions can help you with getting pregnant faster.

Some health and wellness bloggers and podcasters started to reach out to me.

They were interested in my approach to fertility and reproductive health.

Not a lot of practitioners have the knowhow to combine Western and Chinese Medicine.

Local Wellness Center in San Diego Can Help You Prepare for Pregnancy

Women today have more options when planning to get pregnant. However, some would learn the hard way that getting pregnant is not as easy as people would think it to be. While there are numerous options for contraceptives, and a huge barrage of reminders from many social institutions about unwanted pregnancy, there remains a lack of awareness about infertility which is just as important of an issue.

According to the American Society For Reproductive Medicine, 6.7 million women have infertility problems. Some think that just because they stopped taking contraceptives, they will immediately be able to conceive a child, but this is not the case. Women who are planning on getting pregnant years later need to prepare for pregnancy ahead of time as well by consulting doctors and determining the status of their reproductive health.

San Diego Wellness Center Acupuncture Reduces Stress for IVF Success

In vitro fertilization or IVF is a form of assisted reproductive technology which helps couples who have fertility problems. This is one of many infertility treatments available today, and while it might not be the most popular, it is one of the most viable options for those who have tried just about everything to conceive. According to an article at, a 2014 study on the Human Reproduction publication have found that women who have high levels of stress also have lower chances of being successful with their IVF treatment. Here are some tips from a San Diego wellness center to reduce stress and boost the effects of IVF.

Frequent Acupuncture Appointments
There have already been studies in the past that claim acupuncture can help get you pregnant. However, the researchers cannot seem to agree if it’s true or not.